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Gompertz curve

  • 1 Gompertz curve

    French\ \ courbe de Gompertz
    German\ \ Gompertz-Kurve
    Dutch\ \ Gompertz curve
    Italian\ \ curva di Gompertz
    Spanish\ \ curva de Gompertz
    Catalan\ \ corba de Gompertz
    Portuguese\ \ curva de Gompertz
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ Gompertzkurve
    Norwegian\ \ Gompertz kurve
    Swedish\ \ Gompertzkurva
    Greek\ \ καμπύλη Gompertz
    Finnish\ \ Gompertzin käyrä
    Hungarian\ \ Gompertz-görbe
    Turkish\ \ Gompertz eğrisi
    Estonian\ \ Gompertzi kõver
    Lithuanian\ \ Gompertz kreivė; Gomperco kreivė
    Slovenian\ \ Gompertzov krivulja
    Polish\ \ krzywa Gompertza
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ Гомперцова крива
    Icelandic\ \ Gompertz ferill
    Euskara\ \ Gompertz-ren kurba
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ منحنى جومبيرتز
    Afrikaans\ \ Gompertz-kromme
    Chinese\ \ 冈 珀 茨 曲 线
    Korean\ \ 곰페르츠 곡선

    Statistical terms > Gompertz curve

  • 2 кривая Гомперца

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кривая Гомперца

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gompertz curve — noun Any of a family of curves, describing demographic growth, that increase exponentially at first before reaching a plateau. See Also: Gompertzian …   Wiktionary

  • Gompertz function — A Gompertz curve or Gompertz function, named after Benjamin Gompertz, is a sigmoid function. It is a type of mathematical model for a time series, where growth is slowest at the start and end of a time period.:y(t)=ae^{be^{ctwhere * a is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gompertz-Makeham law of mortality — The Gompertz Makeham law states that death rate is a sum of age independent component (Makeham term) and age dependent component (Gompertz function), which increases exponentially with age. In a protected environment where external causes of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gompertz's law — at advanced ages the risk of dying increases geometrically with age: the death rate at age x may be computed by the formula qx = q0·e·ax, where qx is the death rate at age x, q0 is the death rate at age 0, and a is a constant. From middle age on …   Medical dictionary

  • Benjamin Gompertz — (March 5, 1779 July 14, 1865, London, England), was a self educated mathematician, denied admission to university because he was Jewish. Nevertheless he was made Fellow of the Royal Society in 1819. Gompertz is today mostly known for his Gompertz …   Wikipedia

  • Growth curve — A growth curve in biology generally concerns a measured property such as population size, body height or biomass. Values for the measured property can be plotted on a graph as a function of time; see Figure 1 for an example. ExamplesBacterial… …   Wikipedia

  • Generalised logistic function — The generalized logistic curve or function, also known as Richards curve is a widely used and flexible sigmoid function for growth modelling, extending the well known logistic curve.:Y = A + { K over (1 + Q e^{ B (t M)}) ^ {1 / u} }where Y =… …   Wikipedia

  • Logistic function — A logistic function or logistic curve is the most common sigmoid curve. It modelsthe S curve of growth of some set P . The initial stage of growth is approximately exponential; then, as saturation begins, the growth slows, and at maturity, growth …   Wikipedia

  • Функция Гомпертца — Кривая Гомпертца или функция Гомпертца, названная в честь Бенджамина Гомпертца (англ) , является сигмовидной функцией. Это тип математической модели для временных рядов, где рост медленнее в начале и в конце периода. Она напоминает… …   Википедия

  • Gomperz — Gomper(t)z, Gompers, Gumperz are surnames.Gomper(t)z may refer to: * Palais Gomperz, Vienna * Benjamin Gompertz (1779–1865), British actuary, mathematician; named the Gompertz curve * Heinrich Gomperz (1873–1942) * Lewis Gompertz (1779–1865),… …   Wikipedia

  • Sigmoid function — The logistic curve Plot of the error function …   Wikipedia

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